You only need 10 to 15 minutes to make small changes, says Sam Langer, owner of GYMGUYZ Westchester a personal training business with multiple locations throughout the county.
Langer’s easy to follow routine means even the busiest of folks can squeeze in a little "me" time.
“The beauty of this workout is you can do it anywhere,” said Langer, a Tarrytown resident. “Some clients use it for hotels and some busy clients use it at home when they're feeling really rushed.”
As with any kind of physical activity, Langer advises consulting your healthcare provider before beginning any exercise program.
Warm Up
Try a five-to-eight-minute walk on a treadmill or outdoors at a moderate to brisk pace. Perform two to three rounds of this circuit as noted below. Between each set, perform 30 to60 seconds of the high-intensity move as noted below. Modify if you need by slowing your pace down or performing a modified version of the move.
- Squat 10 to 15 reps
- Stand with your feet beneath your hips.
- Lower your body as if sitting in a chair.
- Keep your back straight and your chest out.
- Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Don’t let your knees move past your toes.
- Push up from your heels to return to your original position.
Interval Training Burst: Burpees 30 to 60 seconds.
Stand straight with feet spread shoulder's length apart. Squat down and bring body into push up position. Then, quick push up back into a squatted position and jump up with arms extended skyward.
Push Up 10 To 15 Reps
- Come to the floor in a straight arm plank position with knees off the floor. (For a modified version, keep your knees on the floor.).
- Hands should be slightly wider than shoulders.
- Keeping the torso rigid and head aligned with your spine, slowly bend your elbows and lower your body toward the floor. Do not allow your low back to sag or your hips to hike upward.
- Maintaining a rigid torso and head aligned with your spine, press upward through your arms. Continue pressing until the elbows are straight and you’re back to start position.
Lunge Right/Left Leg 10 To15 Reps
- Stand with your feet together. Contract your abdominal muscles in towards your spine.
- Lift one foot off the floor and step forward. Shift your body weight onto the lead foot, placing it firmly on the floor.
- As you step forward into the lunge, focus on a downward movement of your hips toward the floor.
- Avoid driving your hips forward.
- Continue lowering your body to a comfortable position or until your front thigh becomes parallel with the floor.
- Keep the back straight. Firmly push off with the front leg to return to your upright, starting position. Complete reps on one leg; then perform on the other leg.
Interval Training Burst: High Knees Running in Place 30 to 60 seconds
Run in place, but bring knees to chest level.
Lateral (Side) Shoulder Raise 10 To 15 Reps (moderate resistance tubing)
- While standing, secure resistance tubing under feet at the midway point of the tube.
- Hold tubing handles at your sides Your feet should be about hip-width distance apart.
- Contract your abdominal muscles in toward your spine.
- Slowly raise your arms out to your sides until your arms are level with your shoulders and parallel with the floor.
- Do not allow the wrists to bend or shoulders to hunch up. Slowly lower your arms back to your starting position.
Interval Training Burst: High Knees Running in Place 30-60 seconds
Plank 30 Seconds
- Lie on your stomach with your elbows close to your sides and directly under your shoulders and palms down.
- Engage your abdominal muscles.
- Tuck your toes under and straighten your legs.
- Slowly lift your torso and thighs off the floor. Keep your torso and legs rigid. Do not allow any sagging in your ribcage or low back.
- Continue to breathe, keeping the abdominals contracted while holding this position.
Interval Training Burst: Simulated Jump Rope (or use a jump rope if available) 30 to 60 seconds
Jump in place as if you were jump roping. Jump on tip-toes and keep abdominal muscles tight. Add different motions such as jumping side-to-side or front-to-back.
Rest one to two minutes. Complete second round of circuit. Depending on your fitness level, you may incorporate a third round.
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